Spring/Summer Edition
"Summer's lease hath all too short a date." -
William Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Sonnets

The Bard was correct. Summertime always seems too short.


Our calendars are already filling with conferences, vacations, and client meetings throughout the next busy three months. We are also wrapping up a busy spring filled with several EM&V reviews for clients in Arkansas and Missouri. We also completed the PY2014 EM&V Report for Columbia Gas of Virginia as well as participating in several unique events for municipal utilities.  


As busy we are, we are also looking forward to making some summer memories with graduations, celebrations, and backyard barbeques. We hope everyone will have a chance to refresh and recharge this summer too - and make some lasting memories.   


Safe travels!

                              Dr. Katherine Johnson, President

Arkansas Continues to Lead Energy Efficiency Efforts in the Southeast        


In our role as the Independent Evaluation Monitor (IEM), our team, led by Johnson Consulting Group with assistance from Apex Analytics, Eisenberg Energy, Michaels Energy, Mesa Point Energy and Rouleau Consulting Group, reviewed the nine Evaluation, Measurement & Verification (EM&V) Reports submitted on behalf of the seven Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) in Arkansas and the Arkansas Weatherization Program (AWP).


These reports, which were prepared by The Cadmus Group for the electric utilities and ADM Associates for the gas utilities and weatherization programs clearly indicated that the these energy efficiency programs continue to make excellent progress towards achieving their energy savings and participation goals. While the performance for individual programs vary significantly, overall the EE programs have led to significant energy savings statewide. Program satisfaction remains high while free ridership rates are relatively low across the entire EE portfolio.


Arkansas' progress is also being well documented by outside organizations. For example,  the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) highlighted Arkansas as one of four states that has improved most regarding energy efficiency actions in its annual State Annual Efficiency Scoreboard. As cited in the SWEPCO 2014 EM&V Report, Arkansas is one of only four Southeastern states to have approved an energy efficiency resource standard that is used to set long-term savings targets for the state's utilities.  (http://aceee.org/state-policy/scorecard as cited in the SWEPCO 2014 EM&V Report, p. 14).  


Furthermore, the impact and process evaluations conformed to industry best practices, used the appropriate methodologies, and satisfactorily met all the criteria set forth in the EM&V protocols. These reports also incorporated an excellent benchmarking analysis for both the gas and electric utilities. The evaluators provided clear explanations of the approaches used to complete both process and impact evaluation activities in accordance with industry best standards (AOG/OGE Weatherization Program 2014 EM&V Report, p. 3-28; AWP 2014 EM&V Report, p. 2-16; CenterPoint 2014 EM&V Report, p. 3-1; EAI2014 EM&V Report, p. 14; SourceGas 2014 EM&V Report, p. 3-1; SWEPCO 2014 EM&V Report, p. 24).


To learn more about the remarkable progress that Arkansas is making in energy efficiency, click on the link highlighting a news report from Platts or visit the Arkansas Public Service Commission's home page and search for reports filed in Docket 10-100-R on June 1, 2015.


Two Missouri IOUs are also making steady progress in meeting energy efficiency goals.


Johnson Consulting Group's team also serves as the EM&V Auditor for the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission. In this role, we review and provide feedback on the EM&V reports prepared by their independent evaluators. Assisting in this review were staff from Apex Analytics, Eisenberg Energy, GSM Development and Mesa Point Energy. In May we completed our initial review of Ameren Missouri's PY2014 EM&V results and will be filing our final report by the end of the month. The Cadmus Group and ADM Associates conducted these evaluations.


We are also in the process of reviewing the preliminary evaluation report for Greater Missouri Operations (GMO)-KCP&L prepared by Navigant Consulting. Our final review will be completed by late June, so stay tuned for updates!

California Dreamin' About Local Government Partnerships, Codes & Standards and Renewable Energy Networks


Okay, so these are not exactly what comes to mind when thinking about California, but these are the topics that are occupying Katherine these days as the new Energy Advisor for Energy Efficiency and Program Design to the California Public Utility Commission's Energy Division. She's already becoming familiar not just with the acronyms like RENs/LGPs and C&S, but also involved in the newest round of EM&V activities.


In this role, Katherine provides reviews and guidance regarding both process and impact evaluation studies designed to measure the effectiveness of these new and innovative program delivery methods which include several unique public-private partnerships between local government organizations and utilities. She will also be providing comment on upcoming studies determining the effectiveness of these program delivery approaches designed to increase energy efficiency actions in the local government sector.

Proud as a Peacock Winter Park Celebrates the Electric Utility's 10th Anniversary


On June 1, 2005, the city "flipped the switch" to official ownership of the electric utility. Monday, June 1, 2015, marks the official 10-year anniversary of this monumental day. The Electric Utility Department began serving retail electric customers on June 1, 2005, as the City of Winter Park established its own municipal electric utility.


As the Chair of the Utility Advisory Board for the past year, Katherine joined current and previous board members, city staff, and citizens to celebrate the remarkable progress that has happened in just the past decade.  She was also just re-elected unanimously for another term.   


In 2003, the citizens of Winter Park voted overwhelmingly to exercise the buy-out option in the city's franchise agreement with Progress Energy Florida and to have the city own and operate its own utility. This was the first such agreement in Florida, and has served as a model for municipal utilities throughout the US.  


During the past ten years, the city has built two electric substations and purchased Progress Energy Florida's electric distribution facilities within the city. Going forward, the city is committed to offering energy conservation services and putting a significant portion of the power lines underground as a way to further enhance system reliability.

Award Winners and Promotions!! 

AEP SWEPCO wins DOE Partner of the Year - Energy Efficiency Program Delivery Award (from left to right, Jacob Nielson and Lisa Grecho, CLEAResult; Phil Watklins, SWEPCO; Eli Jacobsohn, DOE; Sherry McCormack, SWEPCO, and Trent Brackridge, CLEAResult.


Arkansas AEO wins a grant to develop a Home Performance Recognition Program that can allow creation of labels by using national standards and systems, such as DOE's Home Energy Score tool.

Brent Archer was named President of Columbia Gas of Virginia.

Arkansas Advanced Energy Association (AAEA) was honored as one of four "Sustain the Rock" recipients at the 2015 Little Rock Sustainability Summit. 
Where in the World is Dr. KJ?

Jul. 7-9  Aberdeen, Scotland, UK  3rd International Symposium on Energy Challenges & Mechanics - toward a big picture; Digging Deeper for Energy Savings: A Look at Successful On-Bill Financing Program Designs  
Aug. 11-13  Long Beach California, IEPEC Conference, Presentation and Paper: Getting Our Ducts in a Row: Using Evaluation Results to Create a Statewide Weatherization Program with Matt Klucher, APSC

*  Aug. 25-27 AESP Summer Conference, What's Now and What's Next in the World of EE Niagara Falls, Canada, Session Moderator: "Hard to Reach Markets" 

Sep. 8  Utility Advisory Board Meeting, Winter Park, FL   

Sep. 20-22  ACEEE National Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource Little Rock, Arkansas, Duct Hunting: Developing a Comprehensive Statewide Strategy Targeting Hard-to-Reach Customers


Coming soon ... an Article -
Future of the Industry.  Stay tuned...

In This Issue
Arkansas Continues to Lead
California Dreamin'
Proud as a Peacock
Article Award Winners and Promotions!!.
Where in the World is Dr. KJ?
Emily's Artful Graduation
Fun Stuff - Emily's Artful Graduation


Emily Grace Johnson, Katherine's daughter, graduated with departmental honors in Art from McDaniel College in May 2015.  

More impressive, she has a job teaching art!   


Emily Johnson, an Art major from Frederick, Md., first learned how to manage a classroom last summer as a residential instructor at the Oakland School in Keswick, Va. That experience helped her land a job at the Renaissance Art Center in Gaithersburg, Md., where she will teach basic art skills to children. Her time at McDaniel helped her to discover a passion for mixed media arts, which she plans to teach to her students.


Please click on the link to see some of her work. 


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